EVOLUTION OF PROTESTS AND ITS EXISTENCE IN THE MODERN WORLD: DO PROTESTS HAVE A FUTURE IN THE DIGITAL AGE?May 28, 2020As old as man, accountability and protest have accompanied our existence; some would argue that it has even lived longer…Read More
EDITORIAL NOTE – 8th Edition May 2020May 28, 2020As the scholar, Simukai Chigudu aptly observed in his study of the 2008 cholera epidemic in 2008, “epidemics are tests…Read More
Pondering plausible Community based feeding initiative models to combat starvation and hunger amidst Covid-19 pandemic and beyond.May 21, 2020Millions of the inhabitants of our motherland do not consume required or sufficient energy/calories a day to sustain their livelihood…Read More
Asiyifuni iagenda yama Capitalist: advancing socialism in the times of COVID-19May 21, 2020The capitalist agenda has long reached its expiry date and the suffocating stench of this rot has been let loose…Read More
Transform the TVET Sector to be First Choice InstitutionsMay 21, 2020Introduction Our education system still suffers from some of the apartheid patterns which entrenched ideas of our colonisers and continue…Read More
Editorial Note – 7th Edition, May 2020May 21, 2020Moithuti; the South African Students’ Congress online journal has left its infant footprints in on the ideological soil in the…Read More
The Impact of the Lockdown on Education in Remote Areas: Interventions Drawn from the SASCO SPOTMay 8, 2020The current lockdown presents a huge problem to rural-based and township students, but it is an opportunity to put into…Read More
E-Learning and Marginalisation: The impact of COVID19 on the most vulnerable studentsMay 8, 2020Twenty six years have passed since South Africa overhauled the racist apartheid regime which was designed and sought to keep…Read More
Online Education Does Not Cater for Language as a RealityMay 8, 2020As we continue to navigate the world of education in Covid19, – shortcomings of Online Education Language, Culture and Education…Read More
SOUTH AFRICAN 2019 ELECTORAL SYSTEM , AND ITS POLITICAL IMPACT.May 8, 2020INTRODUCTION South Africa is a republic and a constitutional democracy. Republic and constitutional democracy are identical in every aspect except…Read More